Our Story

The history of our small family-operated coffee farm in Kona, Hawaii dates back to last year… and to the early 1900s when the first coffee trees were planted in the region. At that time, Kona was a remote and largely undeveloped area with a small population of farmers and ranchers.

Our farm was established in the 1930s, during the height of the Kona coffee boom. The original farmers saw the potential of the region's unique climate and soil for producing high-quality coffee, and they set out to create a thriving coffee plantation. Some of the trees planted at that time are still thriving today!

The farm has changed ownership infrequently, with Elevation Coffee Farm picking up right in the middle of the COVID pandemic. At the same time, Coffee Leaf Rust attacked the orchard and threatened to destroy the trees completely. Through dedication, grit, and some luck, the orchard is back producing some of the best coffee beans in the world.

Today, our small family-operated coffee farm continues to thrive, and we are proud to carry on the traditions and practices that have been learned from the generation that have gone before. We remain committed to producing the highest-quality coffee beans while maintaining sustainable agriculture practices and minimizing our impact on the environment. Our farm honors the culture and traditions of the indigenous people and welcomes people of all backgrounds.

As we look to the future, we are excited to continue growing and sharing our passion for Kona coffee with select visitors from around the world. Look for our private label coffee to be available in 2024 and other invitation-only events in the future.

Jamie, Jill, Sonoma, Sawyer, Sloan, Lucy, Kerry, Lenny, Rachel, and more…